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Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

Breaking old patterns and creating new habits isn’t just about the actions you take—it’s also about how you think and talk to yourself. While many people focus on the steps, they often overlook the mindset and language that can either speed up or slow down their progress. I hadn’t given this much thought until a few years ago, but once I started changing my thoughts, everything began to transform in incredible ways. Now, I’m excited to share what I’ve learned with you.

Stop Looking Forward to Your Habits

One of the biggest mistakes people make when setting goals or building habits is putting everything in the future tense. Saying, “I will start eating healthier,” or “I’m going to exercise more,” sounds like a commitment, but it actually keeps your progress perpetually out of reach. The truth is, when you place your habits in the future, they stay in the future.

Instead, bring your habits into the present by speaking as if they’re already a part of your life. For example, replace “I will drink more water” with “I am staying hydrated and nourishing my body.” It’s a subtle shift, but it makes a huge difference. Speaking in the present tense reinforces the identity you’re working toward and helps you embody your new habits right now.

Talking to Yourself Isn’t Crazy

The conversations you have with yourself shape your reality more than you might think. Positive self-talk is a powerful tool for changing habits and building confidence. It’s not about lying to yourself or pretending everything is perfect—it’s about reminding yourself of your strengths and potential.

Whatever you’re focusing your thoughts on is what you will get more of. Instead of focusing on how things currently are, focus on who you want to become.. For example:

“I make healthy choices.”

“I am strong and determined.”

“I am proud of the progress I’ve made.”

Notice that all of these statements are in the present tense, reinforcing who you are right now. This isn’t about ignoring challenges; it’s about building a mindset that empowers you to overcome them.

Talking to yourself isn’t just okay—it’s essential. Nature teaches us that growth comes from nurturing what’s already there. By speaking kindly to yourself, you’re giving your inner self the sunlight and water it needs to thrive.

Start Small, Think Big

While focusing on the present is key, it’s also important to have a clear vision of where you’re headed. Imagine your new habits as a trail you’re carving through the forest. Each small step forward clears the path a little more, making it easier to keep going.

When challenges arise, return to your present-tense affirmations and self-talk. Tell yourself, “I am overcoming obstacles and staying consistent.” Remind yourself of your progress and keep moving forward, no matter how small the steps may seem.

Don’t Be Afraid of Change

When you start making real progress, your subconscious may push back against the "new you." This can come across as anxiety or discomfort, but don’t panic—get excited. This is a sign of growth! Progress can feel unsettling because it’s unfamiliar, but that fear is just a doorway to a better you.

Step through it with courage, knowing you’re on the right path. Progress is a lifelong adventure, and none of us will attain perfection while we’re here on Earth—and that’s okay. Just keep moving forward and working toward the incredible person that’s already inside you, waiting to shine.

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